The first thing if u want to learn Japanese language (Nihongo 日本語) is u must know Japanese alphabetic. ok from now i will use "Nihongo" (日本(Nihon = Japan) 語(Go = language)) instead of "Japanese language". There are 2 kinds of alphabetic in Nihongo:
*first is Hiragana (ひらがな)
*and second is Katakana (カタカナ)
Hiragana is used to write native words (Nihongo word for which Kanji does not cover)
example : くつ spelling = kutsu
meaning : shoes
Katakana is used if u want use word from foreign language words into Nihongo
example : ダウン spelling = daun
meaning : down
beside hiragana and katakana, nihongo still have Kanji (The Chinese characters in Nihongo)
example : 靴 = くつ spelling = kutsu
meaning : shoes
in other word 靴 is the kanji for shoes
ok, let's start the lesson =), i will explain as simple as i can. we will start from hiragana first, this basic is really important!! so please learn this as well as u can. below is the list of Hiragana :
please remain those character, i know its hard at first time but i think u can do it =), if u want to know how to spell it, i found an interesting video about it on you tube!!
Now u can listen how japanese people spell it, one thing u should give attention are when u spell for
RA, RI, RU, RE, RO, it is a bit different, please listen carefully and learn it. i hope u can enjoy learn Nihongo, Make it FUN guys!! =)
At next part we still learn about Hiragana, ok see u in next part ^_^